Saturday, August 8, 2015

Use Case: Being a Code Custodian, Automated Inspections

As stated in my last post, the roles of an architect and/or team lead can vary dramatically depending on team dynamics. Being a code custodian may or may not be appropriate for your organization. On the one hand, it's hard to argue against the importance of having a cohesive code base with similar coding patterns and standards for quality. On the other hand, a heavy-handed environment can be very disabling for developers and reduce team members' feelings of empowerment. So how best to balance these competing factors?

A recent long-running project I worked on had the following team dynamics:

  • Varied developer skill levels
    • Fresh from university to senior
  • Combination of remote and local developers
    • Most remote
    • English skills that also varied in quality between team members
  • Mix of time working in the code base
Although we had some written coding guidelines, I find this to be a largely ineffective way of managing a code-base. We did have some standards, but the best standards are already available and published in books such as "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch and "Clean Code" by Robert Martin.

Instead, I chose to rely on a mix of automated and manual inspection approaches. See my last post for a comparison between these approaches.

Perhaps the most important tenet to developing any of these strategies is to get active participation from other members of the team in their usage and application. Some of the inspections by these tools can feel intrusive and even arbitrary at times. Getting the team or a subset of senior developers on the team to buy-in to the list of checks is important to foster a feeling of ownership to the policy and to avoid tying developers down and hampering creativity. it might take a couple of iterations to refine the rules.

For this situation, we used CheckStyle, FindBugs, and lint in out suite of tools that were run on Jenkins. Checking stylistic rules can be particularly treacherous if applied too heavy-handedly. When looking at CheckStyle, the first thing I did was to immediately drop silly rules such as where semicolons or spaces are placed. There is nothing worse than breaking the build because you missed a spacing constraint. I think that it's important to maintain consistency in the code-base, especially within an individual module. But this consistency does not need to be enforced via an automated tool.

However, that doesn't make the likes of CheckStyle worthless. There are a number of checks within CheckStyle that, when enforced, aid in keeping the complexity down in the code base. We used a number of CheckStyle rules, but the following were somewhat helpful in keeping code complexity manageable:

  • FileLength
  • MethodLength
  • ParameterNumber
  • AnonInnerLength
  • AvoidNestedBlocks
  • MagicNumber
  • Nested* (various Nested rules)
Some of the other methods, like HiddenField, were also useful in avoiding bugs.

FindBugs and lint (and occasionally CheckStyle) were good at identifying potential defects and leaks. At first the tools detected a number of issues, but over time there were fewer and fewer violations.

Having good reporting mechanisms was very important. At first our reporting mechanisms were very poor, requiring a lot of digging to find the source of the build error. This was largely due to the limitations of the central build CI system we were using. When we shifted the tests to run on Jenkins, the reporting was much crisper, making for a much better experience.

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